
WebDollar Airdrop is worth over 10 million WEBD coins in total. Complete easy tasks to earn 1,500 WEBD coins. WEBD coins are already tradable! You can trade WEBD on p2pb2b, Bitrabbit and Webd. There is also a referral program available.

About WebDollar

WebDollar (WEBD) is a Browser-based Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency that aims to significantly increase the worldwide adoption of decentralized currencies. WebDollar offers the possibility to send and receive payments online on any Browser, directly from one party to another, without going through a financial institution, while the confirmations of these transactions are secure on the blockchain without passing them through potential vulnerable channels like a Web Server or RPC intermediary as in BTC. WebDollar also have it's own Blockchain Explorer.

The advantages of WebDollar (WEBD):

Ease of use, the easiest to use in the world;

– No downloads/installation/registration;

– With a single click you have a unique wallet and you start mining;

– Originality of the code;

– WebDollar has an independent blockchain;

– There is a community active team;

– Everything started from scratch, without the ICO;

– The mining system was 100% PoW at launch and was developed on a hybrid (66.66% PoW + 33.33% PoS) and now is a hybrid 90% PoS + 10% PoW;

35% yearly interest;

– Fast transactions;

– Excellent organic growth and a very good presence on all social networks;

– Monthly bounties on the Twitter and YouTube networks;

– There were only 10% cryptocurrencies pre-mined (and these funds are allocated to the founders and to pay for the continuous development;

– The community decides the ways of promotion, development and budget to be allocated from Genesis.

– The technology is malleable;

– You can buy WEBD coins here.

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